The 10 Most Famous and Creative Artists of All Time
The history of the world have witnessed many talented and creative artists in the world. Painters, singers, and other members of the art world have contributed to the development of the world art. In this article, we try to introduce the 10 most famous and creative artists of all time.
Leonardo Da Vıncı
Leonardo Da Vinci is the most famous of the Renaissance art and he is not only known creative artists but also genius one. His most famous works are Mona Lisa, Last Supper, The Lady with an Ermine and the drawings about the human body and technology such as aircaft, tanks, etc.
He was a painter, a sculptor, and an architect. He also wrote poetry. He worked for the Christian world and he was a creator of Sistine Ceiling, the Last Judgement, St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. He is still an inspiration to young artists of the 21st century.
Pablo Pıcasso
Pablo Picasso was the most genius and important artist in the modern world and he changed the definition of classic art with some inspirational touches, for example, he introduced cubism to the art world.
Vıncent van Gogh
Van Gogh produced psychologically unstable works to the art world and Van Gogh’s technique of painting with flurries of thick brushstrokes made up of vivid colors squeezed straight from the tube was an inspirational touch for the other artists.
Rembrandt brought innovation to the art, that is, his works include the showings of inner feelings of the subjects. His well-known works are The Night Watch and Doctor Nicolaes Tulp’s Demonstration of the Anatomy of the Arm.
Salvador Dalı
“I am not strange, I am just not normal,” said Dali because with his strange mustache and his works of art, he was known a strange artist in the world. He has influenced the workings of the Renaissance. His works are examples of Surrealism and his most famous work is the Persistence of Memory.
Frıda Kahlo
She was a Mexican artist and one of the most important symbols of the feminist movement. Her works are considered as examples of surrealistic self-portraits and personal and physical suffering. Her paintings refletc the grim reality of the life and the world.
Andy Warhol
His famous sentence “Making money is art.” summarised his understanding and views to the art. He brought the ethos of advertising into fine art and he became the Pope of Pop with the style out of the art world.
Edvard Munch
His famous work is the Scream is the one of the iconic figure of the scram, anxiety, and fear. He contributed also the becoming widespread of Expressionism and he influenced the 20th-century artists such as Egon Schiele, Erich Heckel, and Max Beckmann.
Claude Monet
He was a French painter and he was a founder of French Impressionist painting. His works are related to changing of light and passing of the seasons. He was also the figure of Pop Art and Minimalism.
Selin Akbaş
Project Management School Blog Editor