Kenya ESC Gönüllülük Projesi EVS ESC European Solidarity Corps projesinde Avrupa Dayanışma Programı faaliyetinde bulunacak katılımcılar aranmaktadır!
Western Focus Community Organization (WEFOCO) is a community-based organisation in Shianda in Western Kenya that consists mostly of women’s groups in several areas and is focused on orphans, and families suffering because of HIV/AIDS and helping to generate income for those in need. WEFOCO is benefitting directly more than 100 children and 600 women through different welfare projects on education, livelihood and women empowerment. The tasks for the volunteer include: Working with WEFOCO in the local ICT centre in improving local computer competence. Helping WEFOCO in organisational activities. Setting up standards for the local ICT Centre for training local youth. Coming up with Standard Operating Procedures for all ICT-related devices. Advising on best technological advancements for the organisation.
The volunteer will live in Shianda village, Western Kenya. During work, the main mode of transportation will be motorbikes or walking shorter distances. Motorbikes are an ideal mode of transport in the interior village, where the routes are not well maintained. The host organisation will provide the volunteers’ safety and locked accommodation in the volunteers’ houses/apartments. They can have access to a kitchen and shower with all useful necessities: a water closet, tap, gas cooker, dishes, and Wi-Fi. Vo The volunteer will be given a monthly living and transportation allowance.
The volunteer will have the opportunity to get deep knowledge about ICT conditions in local organisations working in rural Kenya. The training includes working in a local context and integrating with different communities. The volunteer can participate in local language courses. Volunteering will build new contacts and partnerships.
Medium level computer skills. Proficiency in the English language. Teacher degree or higher education in ICT or Sciences. A minimum of 2 years teaching experience in ICT or experience in carrying out ICT-related educational programmes in the non-formal sector. Good communication and cooperation skills. Flexibility, adaptation, independence. Experience in organising and improving the work of a small organisation. Ideally, experience in travelling to less developed countries, especially those with conditions and circumstances comparable to rural Africa.
Kenya ESC Gönüllülük 1. Proje Başvuru için Tıklayınız
Kenya ESC Gönüllülük 2. Proje Başvuru için Tıklayınız
Kenya ESC Gönüllülük 3. Proje Başvuru için Tıklayınız
Kenya ESC Gönüllülük 4. Proje Başvuru için Tıklayınız
Kenya ESC Gönüllülük 5. Proje Başvuru için Tıklayınız
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