Honduras ESC Gönüllü Hizmeti Aylık Maaş: 700 Dolar projesinde Avrupa Dayanışma Programı faaliyetinde bulunacak katılımcılar aranmaktadır!
Monitor the indicators and sources of verification of the projects, preparing the reports defined for each project and informing the coordinations about the compliance or risks of non-compliance with them; Participate in the adjustment or redefinition of indicators for the areas of work in the country; Propose concrete improvements in the systems and tools for monitoring and follow-up of the projects to the coordinating offices, taking into account the capacities and resources of the organisation; Strengthening the capacities of the national MdM team and its partners in tools for recording and analysing information; Support in the management of MdM accountability and complaints mechanisms in the country/region; Support in the collection of information for different purposes and using appropriate means for each one (WP, participation of beneficiary population, rapid assessments); Actively participate in internal processes, coordination meetings, among others.
Accommodation, food and transport arrangements
Volunteer headquarters will be in Tegucigalpa and s/he will travel to the department of Cortes where we have an MdM office to support the teams working on different projects. The volunteer will be accommodated in one of the houses of MdM and will receive a monthly allowance to cover his/her food expenses of 700 €. Accommodation; return flights; visa and vaccination costs; health insurance; and basic equipment (laptop & mobile phone) will be provided and covered during deployment. Transportation and accommodation will also be provided and covered for all work-related travel.
Training during the activity
Volunteers will improve their professional knowledge through training in humanitarian action, and specific issues on security, gender, psychosocial support and will be provided with training resources to continue their learning. Those selected will receive briefings/training at MdM headquarters in Madrid with the different departments related to the mission and the position, as well as mandatory online training on environmental issues before they start their field work. Training sessions will take place both in the countries of the supporting organisations and in of the host organisations.
Participant profile
The volunteer should have the following competencies: – University education in Social Sciences, Administration or other professions related to the position; – Studies in International Cooperation, Development and/or Humanitarian Action; – Experience or additional training in project formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation; – Knowledge of the Latin American context, especially countries in the Mesoamerican region; – Experience in the field of international cooperation; – Good command of the Office package, data management tools, use of digital platforms; – Writing skills; – Good communication skills; – Spanish essential/ English very favourable; – Ability to work in a team; – Ability to adapt to different contexts; – Self-care and stress management; – Availability of time and flexibility to carry out activities.
Honduras ESC Gönüllü Hizmeti Başvuru için Tıklayınız
Bu ilan Avrupa Birliği resmi sitesinden duyuru amaçlı kaynak gösterilerek Türkçe diline çevrilmiştir. İlan sorumluluğu abprojeyonetimi.com sitesinde değildir. Özgeçmiş ve motivasyon mektubu hazırlanması işlemlerinde ÜCRETSİZ olarak kurumumuz destek vermektedir. Kurumumuzun başvurunun olumlu veya olumsuz sonuçlanması konusunda herhangi bir taahhüdü ve etkisi yoktur.