Almanya 12 Ay ESC Gönüllülük Hizmeti 01/09/2024 – 01/09/2025 EVS ESC European Solidarity Corps projesinde Avrupa Dayanışma Programı faaliyetinde bulunacak katılımcılar aranmaktadır!
The mission of MEISTERWERK MENSCH e. V. is to raise awareness for the rights of people with disabilities and to improve their conditions of taking part in cultural, social and economic settings. One main activity is the “Familiencafé KrümelReich”, a place where parents with children can have a relaxed time, meet other families, have coffee and cake. It’s a place where activities for the whole family take place: a toddler group, crafting with different materials, shows and readings for kids. All offers are open to everybody, with and without disability. As a volunteer you will have a daily routine in assisting the team with service and kitchen tasks while at the same time getting in close contact with a lot of different families that visit the place regularly. You can be a tandem partner for a colleague with disability for example while baking cakes or selling coffee. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THE OFFER PLEASE ONLY APPLY THOUGH THIS LINK
We will assist you in finding a suitable accommodation in Witten or nearby towns. The rent is paid by us. You will also get a ticket for public transport, that makes you move around easily. Additionally you will get a monthly pocket money to cover your expenses for food and freetime activities.
We would like to welcome an open minded, communicative person, with at least a few knowledge of German – or the motivation to learn the language in a course and on the job. We are a very divers team, so basically everybody is welcome. If you have interests or skills in the field of culture, catering, children and family – great. You have to enjoy working in a team, that’s absolutely necessary. If you are good in organizing, you can support in implementing events for families or be a helping hand in marketing. There is space for you creativity, if you like!
Almanya 12 Ay ESC Gönüllülük Hizmeti Başvuru için Tıklayınız
Bu ilan Avrupa Birliği resmi sitesinden duyuru amaçlı kaynak gösterilerek Türkçe diline çevrilmiştir. İlan sorumluluğu sitesinde değildir. Özgeçmiş ve motivasyon mektubu hazırlanması işlemlerinde ÜCRETSİZ olarak kurumumuz destek vermektedir. Kurumumuzun başvurunun olumlu veya olumsuz sonuçlanması konusunda herhangi bir taahhüdü ve etkisi yoktur.